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The Caribbean Rum and Beer Festival Is Here!

caribbean-rum-and-beer-festival-grenada-199x300You can’t seriously think that there could be a Rum and Beer Festival on the island without it coming to the attention of Philip, can you?

Well, there couldn’t be!

(Editors note: For those who don’t know – Philip used to own a hop farm in Worcestorshire in the UK. He has always held a particular fondness for beer and/or an occasional tipple.)

The Caribbean Rum and Beer Festival will be on the island of Grenada all this week. Unfortunately most of it is located down to the south of the island, but here are the details just in case you are on the island and you don’t’ want to miss out on this extravaganza of alcoholic beverage tasting.

Here’s a link to the website Caribbean Rum and Beer Festival

They’ll be some great activities including:

  • A tasting competition
  • Cocktail competition
  • Chocolate pairings with alcoholic beverages
  • Seminars
  • Tasting tours
  • Authentic Grenadian food
  • Cooking with rum and beer competition


The activities will go on for a week – from  Monday 29th October to Sunday 4th November.

Entries from Grenada will most likely include:

  • Clarke’s Court – Old Grog Run
  • The Westerhall Estate Collection of Rums including Jack Iron (love that name, it reminds us of Jack Sparrow!)
  • River Antoine Royal Rum

Looks like it will be an excellent event – peppered with some sore heads for those who went a little too far and some new discoveries will be made!

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